
What are the Advantages of Public Company Registration?

Tell us about the Advantages of Public Company Registration

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(i) Raising capital through public issue of shares- The most an important advantage of being a public company is to raise more capital as compared to other form of organization. (ii) Efficient management- A limited company is more efficiently managed or controlled entities as compared to other form of organization. (iii) Free transfer of shares- A public limited company can freely transferable its shares and that too without the prior consent of other shareholders. (iv) Larger Borrowing Power- Public companies are most recognized in terms of financial assistance and can have a rather huge magnitude of capital, which are not available to other form of organization. (v) Limited Liability of shareholder- The shareholders of a Public limited company have limited liability only up to the shares subscribed by them and should not be personally liable for the debts of the company.

Manish Kumar

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