
Director KYC last date

Director KYC last date

As per the rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules 2014, it states that each individual who has been allotted with a Director Identification Number (DIN) as on 31st March of financial years in compliant with these rules are required to submit an e-form DIR-3-KYC to the Central Government at on or before 30th April of the immediate next financial year. Therefore according to the rules, DIN KYC should be filed by individuals having DIN (Director Identification Number) every year.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs had made an announcement recently, and according to that announcement, any director who has been given a DIN by or on 31st March 2018 and whose DIN is in sanctioned status is required to submit his KYC details towards the MCA. Furthermore, this process is compulsory for the disqualified directors as well.

DIN KYC Last date

Individuals who had a DIN [even if the DIN disqualified] as on 31st March 2019 shall be required to file DIN KYC eForm (FormDIR-3 KYC) in the year 2019. The normal due date for filing DIN KYC every financial year is 30th April

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified that the deadline or the last date for Annual Filing of Form DIR 3 (KYC of Directors) was extended from 30th April to 30th June. Now, The MCA has again notified that the due date of filing of DIR 3 KYC for Financial Year 2018-19  will be extended to 15th October 2019.

In case the director fails to update the MCA shall automatically deactivate the DIN number. The DIN can be made active after the director pays the penalty for being late in filling.

Therefore, a change was made in the rules. As per the amended rules, the DIN KYC for 2019 shall be due within 30 days from the date of deployment of the new DIN KYC eForm on the MCA Portal. The MCA Portal has not issued on the new eForm for DIN KYC and henceforth the due date for 2019 is still undecided.

Penalty for non-filing DIR– 3 Form

In case the Form DIR-3 KYC is filed within the due date of respective fiscal year, no fine is required to be pay. However, if the Form DIR-3 KYC is filed after the due date then a payment of a late fee of Rs. 5,000 shall be levied and the DIN status would be deactivated because of the non-filing of the DIR-3 KYC.

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