
How to create a Founders Agreement?

How to create a Founders Agreement?


Before forming an entity, the founders of a corporation must reach an understanding. Conversations between a company's founders can result in the creation of founders' agreements rather than later on in a company's life, it’s better to execute such agreements at the time of establishment.

These discussions aim to establish an open and sincere dialogue about the perspectives, concerns, and goals of those engaged in the startup, to reduce the possibility of crippling errors as the company is still developing.

What is the Founders agreement?

It is a  formal contract or legal agreement made by the company's co-founders before opening for business. The roles, responsibilities, rights, ownership, liabilities, and investment percentages of each founder are explained in this agreement.

  • It should be in writing.

  • The founder’s agreement may be signed by two or more partners together, known as co-partners or parties.

  • The agreement will be signed by each co-founder exactly at the time the business or corporation is incorporated.

The founder's agreement aims to prevent business-related disagreements between co-founders that might develop over time. According to this agreement, the founders' plan was outlined, and they were required to act within the boundaries and adhere to the mandatory rules set down. Founders agreements also assist in addressing unforeseen events like the death of a co-founder or withdrawal, which have a direct impact on the continued growth and efficient operation of the company or business.

When more than one person participates in a business initiative, founders' agreements are crucial to its success. They are also appealing investment tools since they let investors know that you are systematic and organized even while beginning. Make sure every new enterprise has a founders' agreement before it is launched. Founders' agreements are the cornerstone of the establishment of a new company. They establish the tone and build the foundation for your team's interactions and business management. Although a founders' agreement is not necessary, having one in place guarantees that everyone is on the same page on all significant business-related financial and legal issues.

Benefits of Founders Agreement

  • Choice of business- The founder's agreement should expressly state the kind and nature of the entity that the co-founders should establish, so establishing the correct direction to be pursued.

  • Highlighted Business Plans- This agreement outlines the entity's vision and mission as well as the short- and long-term objectives that must be met over time.

  • Defining the positions and duties- Without a clear framework of the allocated tasks, it is obvious that there will be overlaps in the responsibilities and duties of the co-founders. Determining the tasks and responsibilities of the co-founders following their areas of expertise, such as marketing, operations, funding, etc., is crucial.

  • Ownership Structure- To prevent future disputes between the cofounders, the founder's agreement will expressly state the ownership structure about the first efforts made by the cofounder or the number of equity shares owned by the cofounder in the case of a firm.

  • Making decisions- There will eventually be an intellectual disagreement between the co-founders. To resolve this disagreement, the right decision-making method must be used. The founders' agreement will specify a method to be observed here for concluding. If the voting method is used, it should specify how many votes each cofounder is entitled to and offer a way out in the event of a tie.

  • Remuneration Clauses- This agreement outlined the pay structure that would be implemented if any of the cofounders broke the required clauses. Every cofounder's share of the expected payment will be stated in this section.

  • Co-founder dismissal- Any co-founder who engages in dishonest behavior, such as financial theft, sexual harassment, or employment with other organizations, may be fired from the company. This agreement guarantees a suitable framework for handling such circumstances and determining the necessary sums to be returned to the ejected co-founder.

  • Privacy- The founder's agreement contained a distinct confidentiality clause that made it a requirement for founders to keep confidential business information confidential.

The procedure of creating a Founders Agreement

The following steps are involved in the founder's agreement drafting process:

1. Equity Stake

Identifying each co-founder of the company's equity ownership percentage comprises one of the Agreement's most crucial clauses. The stock ownership of the company's co-founders is based on a variety of variables, including financial investment, expertise, current intellectual property, know-how, and connection in the sector. Additionally, equity ownership is important in determining the co-potential founder's right to vote.

2. Deferred compensation

Establishing a method to handle a scenario in which either of the co-founders departs or is fired from the company is one of the key things to keep in mind while creating the Agreement. For this reason, a vesting mechanism describing how the founders will acquire their shares shall be included in the Agreement.

3. Functions and objectives are defined

The functions and objectives of each of the company's co-founders should be clearly defined in the Agreement. In general, the co-founders' duties and objectives can be broken down into four categories: operations, marketing, administration, and finance.

4. Share transfer restrictions

The rights and limitations of the owners to sell their shares in the business should be taken into account in the Agreement as one key factor. The Agreement may include a lock-in clause that specifies how many years must pass when the co-founder is allowed to transfer the firm shares he owns. The Agreement must include a procedure for handling a scenario in which a co-founder wishes to leave the business before the lock-in period has ended. It is important to learn how the shares were valued and whether they have any anti-dilution rights.

5. Allocation of intellectual property

It is important to ensure that the co-founders' intellectual property rights are transferred to the business and not left as an individual's property when drafting the Agreement. It is usual for businesses to originally register trademarks, patents, and domain names in the names of one or more co-founders before changing such registrations to the business's name. The intellectual property the corporation owns has an impact on its worth.

6. Confidentiality clause

The company's co-founders are required to keep all business affairs strictly private and abstain from participating in any actions that compete with those of the company. The co-founders should have a written agreement that forbids them from working together or for a set period of years after the agreement's expiration from indulging in actions that are opposed to the company's goals.

The founders are familiar with a variety of sensitive data related to the company due to their close ties to it, among which could qualify as trade secrets. Due to the potential for significant damage to the firm's operations, the founders must be legally prohibited from disclosing any sensitive information acquired by a co-founder throughout that co-involvement founder's with the company.

7. Prospective finance

The Agreement should certainly outline the specific terms for the co-founders' participation of additional funds for the company's value, including whether those funds are to be made in the form of equity or debt, the technique used to value the founders' equity if the financing is made via equity, and the interest rate that the company will be required to pay if the financing is made through debt.

8. Taking Decision

The firm may need to make difficult decisions to run daily. The Agreement must specify exactly how simple and important decisions should be exercised. Additionally, the composition of the company's board of directors shall be established. The chief executive officer, who is chosen by the company's board of directors, is responsible for making day-to-day decisions. The Agreement must also specify the course of action that the Company shall take in the case of an impasse in decision-making.

9. Termination and resolving disputes

The right of the company and the founder to dissolve the Agreement shall be stated forth in the Agreement. The Agreement can be ended following the incidence of a certain event, i.e., by a person with or without cause, or by the parties with their mutual consent. Additionally, the Agreement must outline a clear process for resolving disagreements between the business and the co-founders regarding any topic covered by the Agreement, including mediation, conciliation, and arbitration. 


Founders' agreements act as the cornerstone of the establishment of a new company. They establish the tone and build the foundation for your team's interactions and business management. Although a founders agreement is not compulsory, having one in place guarantees that each individual is on the same page on all significant business-related legal and financial issues. In the event that the co-founders disagree, this agreement offers protection.

This contract can prevent the founders from being confused in the event that there is a change in circumstances, whether they are psychological or financial. It is best to get the advice of a law company or attorney to assist in the accurate preparation of this agreement because it must be accurate.

eStartIndia will help you draft all kinds of legal agreements from the comfort of your home.

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Archita Sharma
Archita Sharma, IV year BA.LLB (Hons.) student from PSIT College of Law

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