“PAiSA – Portal is known as a centralized electronic medium for processing interest subvention on bank loans towards beneficiaries under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) for Affordable Credit and Interest Subvention Access” has been established.
The PAiSA portal by bank
This web stage was designed and developed by Allahabad Bank which is the Nodal bank. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, with the launch of this portal, stated that it is an effort by the government in order to connect directly with the beneficiaries and assists in ensuring better transparency and efficient delivery of services towards beneficiaries under DAY-NULM. All the 35 states and Union Territories as well as all scheduled commercial banks, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), RRBs along with Cooperative Banks are projected to be on board the PAiSA portal by the end of December 2018.
Benefits of PAiSA
• This is an effort made by the government to connect directly with the beneficiaries for making certain better transparency and efficiency in the delivery of services.
• DBT of subvention on regular basis under DAY-NULM would give the necessary monetary support towards small entrepreneurs in a timely manner.
Interest Subvention
Interest subvention is a type of subsidy which is provided on interest rates through the government. In DAY-NULM, the interest subsidy on bank loans has been made available towards the urban poor in establishing individual and group enterprises as a part of the Self Employment Programme (SEP). Interest subsidy of over and beyond 7 % Rate of Interest (ROI) shall be available on a bank loan, that is the difference between 7 % p.a. of ROI as well as the prevailing ROI (determined by the bank) shall be provided to banks through the Government under NULM.
Projected Outcomes
• Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) of subvention on a regular basis under DAY-NULM shall provide the needed monetary support to small entrepreneurs on time.
• It shall plug leakages and pilferage in the transfer of finances reaching beneficiaries.
• It would eradicate the duplicity of data.
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-NULM look for to increase the opportunities for employment and incomes of the urban poor by means of the skill development and training, establishing individual and group micro-enterprises, the formation of Self-Help Groups, making shelters for homeless, supporting street vendors in making infrastructure, innovative support to rag pickers, differently-abled and so forth. The DAY-NULM is directed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
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