Indian biosafety knowledge portal (IBKP) is a major thrust to reach out to researchers, industry and other stakeholders to provide the latest scientific information and regulatory guidance related to authorization of GMOs/LMOs and products thereof. IBKP is interactive for transactions in dealing with review committee on genetic manipulation (RCGM) serviced by the department of biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India under the Rules for Manufacture, use/import/export and storage of hazardous Micro-organisms/ Genetically Engineered Organism or cells, 1989( Rules 1989) of Environment (Protection) Act 1986.
The IBKP provides information on:
• Relevant applicable GIO/LMO biosafety laws and regulations in India.
• Biosafety, Biocontainment guidelines, checklist, etc.
• Database on various ongoing research activities and products thereof in the country including scientific risk assessment and risk management plans (RARMPs)
• Linkages to international developments and scientific information
• IBSC registrations/renewals and annual compliance records
This committee shall function from the department of biotechnology to monitor the safety-related aspect in respect of ongoing research projects or activities involving hazardous micro-organisms, GE organisms and cells, and products thereof. The RCGM shall include representatives of
• Department of biotechnology
• Indian council of medical research
• India council of agricultural research
• Council of scientific and industrial research
• Other experts in their individual capacity.
RCGM may appoint subgroups to assist RCGM on matters related to risks assessment, in reviewing existing and preparing new guidelines.
RCGM shall bring out Manuals of guidelines specifying a procedure for regulatory process with respect to activities involving GE organisms in research use as well as industrial and environmental applications with a view to ensuring human health and environmental safety. All ongoing research projects involving hazardous micro-organisms, GE organisms or cells, and products thereof shall be reviewed to ensure that adequate precautions and containment conditions are being met. The RCGM should establish procedures to restrict or prohibit the production, sale, import, and use of these harmful micro-organisms in micro-organisms or cells.
RCGM is composed of DBT is designed to monitor the safety and protection of all aspects of ongoing research activities from genetically modified organisms. The Committee has the right to submit Operating Instructions on how to define enforcement procedures for activities from genetically modified organisms in our research, use of the application, including in industry, in order to ensure safety and protect the environment.
All current high-risk projects and controlled experiments will be reviewed by the RCGM to ensure that appropriate precautions are taken and that the restriction conditions are met. The RCGM will be able to define procedures for restricting or banning the production, sale, import, and use of GMOs.
1. The RCGM will not accept a request for information from research genetically modified (GM) plants. RCGM allows you to generate toxicity, allergenicity, and other necessary information about genetically modified raw materials in the appropriate systems.
2. RCGM may not be suitable for import/export of etiological agents and vectors, transgenic plasma cells, including converted calla seeds and plants, for research use only.
3. The RCGM is looking for such circumstances as will be necessary for the creation of long-term environmental and health data of applicants, in search of the release of genetically modified plants into the open.
The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) was established at the department of Biotechnology of the Ministry of Science and Technology to monitor the safety and security of ongoing research, projects, and activities, including small-scale areas, tests, imports, and export of genetically modified organisms.
• IBSC registration is required to apply.
• To be registered, IBSC, you want to have a separate RCGM that has access to the login before applying.
• RCGMS accessing the login ID will be notified of the registered IBSC email account.
• The application must be submitted online, through a portal of a certain size.
• Please make sure that you have completed the correct form for continuous assessment in real-time.
RCGM: The committee's function is to determine the scope of laws and regulations for institutions involved in RDNA research and activities
• review of current research involving harmful microorganisms
• Visit the experimental site and make sure that the tests are carried out in accordance with the regulations.;
• Provide advice to the customs authority on import of micro-organisms and products, G.M.
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