
Registration Process under the National Trust Act

Registration Process under the National Trust Act

Who may make an application?

•    Any association of persons with a disability, or any association of parents of persons with disability or a voluntary organization whose main objective is the promotion of the welfare of persons with disability.

•    This is to be known to the Organisations that as per categories mentioned under Section 12(1) of the National Trust Act, applying for registration with National Trust the registration of the organisation should be valid under Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 at the time of application. Generally, the Registration under National Trust Act will be co-terminus with Registration under the PwD Act, 1995. 

Check eligibility

•    The association shall be registered under the PWD Act.

Required Documents

•    Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation under any relevant Act like Societies Registration Act.

•    Certificate of Registration under Persons with Disabilities Act-1995.

•    Memorandum of Association (MOA)

•    Annual Report of the last year

•    Audited Annual Accounts of the last two years

•    Form E for registration under Rule 27(3). All pages duly signed and stamped by authorized signatory.

•    Resolution & Authorisation of the Organisation to file an application for registration.

A hard copy of all requisite documents, including duly signed and stamped Form E generated through the online process must be submitted in the National Trust office within seven days of online submission.

Registration Fee

Registration Fees is Rs. 2000/- for urban & Rs. 1000/- for a rural area. The fee is to be deposited electronically.

After receiving application

•    On receipt of an application for registration, the Board may make such inquiries as it thinks fit in respect of genuineness of the application and correctness of any particulars thereon. 

•    Upon receipt of such an application, the Board shall either grant registration to the applicant or reject such an application for reasons to be recorded in writing.

•    The Board may ask for additional information or clarifications or ask the applicant to appear for a hearing before deciding on the application.

•    If an applicant is registered or recognized under the Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996), weightage shall be given to him while granting registration.

•    The registration may be refused when any information required to be furnished by an applicant has not been given or the same has been given wrongly or errors in the form are found. The deficiency, if any, may be got rectified within the specified time and if the applicant fails, the Trust shall issue an order rejecting the application with the reasons recorded thereon. 

•    An applicant shall be given an opportunity of being heard by the Trust, before suspending the operation of registration or canceling the same during the continuance of it for violation of any provisions of the Act, or the rules and regulations. 



eStartIndia Team

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