Definition of a Din
Director Identification Number (DIN) is an 8-digit unique identification number, which the central government allot to everyone who is already a director of the company or the individuals who want to be a director in the Company. Once the director Identification Number is allotted by the Central Government then the validity of the DIN is for a lifetime. As DIN is important for the Government also as by DIN, DIN maintains all the data of the Directors. A Director can have only one DIN but he can be the director of two or more Companies. As DIN number must be mentioned by the Directors under the signature under any law.
Who can apply for DIN?
Any person who does not have DIN and proposed to become a first director in any new company must make an application with eForm SPICe. For this, the applicant must have to attach the proof of identity and the address proof with the application. After the approval of the form, DIN will be allocated to the user.
Rules for Obtaining Din Number
Allotment of Director Identification Number (DIN) Application for appointment in new Company:
Through the SPICe e-form, the application for the allotment of a Director Identification Number is to be made at the time of company incorporation.
For the appointment in the existing company the application of allotment of Director Identification Number:
For the allotment of a Director Identification Number (DIN), an application is required from the Central Government. (Section 153)
The applicant signed and submitted the Form DIR-3 electronically by using the Digital Signature Certificate.
The applicant in which he is applying for the director the Company Secretary the Company CEO or the director verifies the Form DIR-3 digitally.
Reason for Directors Din Cancellation
Due to the following reasons, the Central Government may cancel the Director Identification Number:
If the Director issued a duplicate DIN
By fraudulent means, DIN was obtained
If the concerned person is dead
If the court declares the person unsound mind.
If the person is called as insolvent
The director can also surrender the DIN in the form of DIR-5. With this form, the director has to submit a declaration stating that he has never been appointed as the company director and has never used the DIN to fill out any government document. Upon receiving the declaration, the Central Government deactivates the DIN.
Forms Associated with Din Registration
FORM DIR-3: for DIN allotment
FORM DIR-3C: The Company intimate the DIN by the Registrar
FORM DIR-5: For surrending DIN
FORM DIR-6: for changing details submit the Form DIR-3
Registration Fees for Din Registration
There is no additional charge if you are applying the DIN through SPICe+ as in the SPICe application it is included.
But in the FORM DIR-3, a fee of Rs. 500 will be associated with it.
Documents Required for the Director Identification Number (Din)
Documents required for Director Identification Number before company incorporation:
For SPICe Form-
Submitting the SPICe+ form and attaching the documents that prove your identity and address is necessary. After the form is approved by the Central Government, you will receive your DIN.
For Form DIR- 3
Identity proof
Residence proof
Verification details
Passport if in the case of foreign nationals
Documents attested by the professionals
The photograph, identity proof, and residence proof will attested by the Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary or Cost Accountant who is in full-time practice.
In the case of foreign nationals, the Indian Consultant attested your documents.
Registration Process of Director Identification Number (Din)
Procedure for applying DIN- 3 for proposed directors:
For login ID first applicant must register yourself on the portal of MCA21. After login to MCA21 click on the link available under the ‘e-forms’ tab which transfers you to e-Form DIR-3
After that attach your photo and any documents which is required.
After submission of the form make the required payment of the documenting all the expenses of e-Form DIR- 3. The payment will be around 500 Rs.
After successfully uploading the documents and paying of fee, you will get your DIN number in 3-4 business days
If any documents are found to be duplicates after the payment, a provisional DIN will be allotted.
By introducing e-Forms the Companies Act, 2013 made it easier to obtain the DIN form from the Central Government. For the same, the application must be made through electronic mode. By this, it is easier to know the whole process. Where the applicant also tracks their application on the MCA website.
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