
Vendor Agreement

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Vendor Agreement

                                                      VENDOR AGREEMENT FORMAT

This Vendor Agreement (here in after termed as “Agreement”) is made and entered into on [day] day of [month] of [year]  (here in after termed as “Said Day”) by and between [name] with its principal place of business located at [address] (hereinafter referred as “Vendor”) and [name] with [his/her/business] located at [address] (herein after referred as “customer” and collectively as “the customers”).

 WHEREAS, the vendor undergoes the business of [description of business];

WHEREAS, the vendor has offered the customer to provide [insert description of goods and services];

WHEREAS, the vendor will commence the selling of goods or services to the customer from [date];


NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

  1. The vendor will provide [goods or service] to the customer on [date] on consideration paid by customer.
  2. The agreement has to commence from [commencement period], and shall terminate by [termination period]
  3. The vendor must provide invoice of purchase on ____ day of [every month or mention the month].
  4. Customer is obliged to make payment as prescribed on ___ day after the delivery of goods/services through [mode of payment]
  5. The law which governs the agreement will be [state the law that governs].
  6. The work shall be conducted at [location of work]
  7. The goods are high quality good certified by [mention the certification]
  8. When dispute arises the parties shall use arbitration as a mode to redressal.
  9. Return of any invoice will not qualify the party to move for an arbitration.
  10.  [confidentiality clause]
  11. [other terms and conditions]


NOW WHEREAS, by signing below, the vendor acknowledges their understanding of the terms of doing business with his or her client, and agrees to abide by these terms at all times.


 For Vendor:                                                                               For Client:

Name                                                                                          Name

_________________                                                           ________________

Signature                                                                                    Signature                                                                                                                                                                                              _________________                                                            _________________

Date                                                                                              Date

­­­­­­__________________                                                              ___________________


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Like most of the general contracts, Vendor Agreement is made between a vendor with its customer/client. The agreement stipulates all the conditions that the vendor has to satisfy in performing a transaction. It must include all details of the goods and services offered by the vendor.

eStartIndia is an online legal service platform where a team of expertise legal professionals from India, offering a variety of legal services relating to all kinds of Agreements, legal notices, negotiable instruments, company registrations, intellectual property, tax services, personal and property services from the comfort of your home, offering you service that are very specialized and tailored for each individual.

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  • LEGAL BINDING: In case of deficiency in goods and services provided the customer can sue the vendor in the light of vendor agreement.

  • IMPROVES RELIABILITY AND RESPONSIVENESS: The client builds more trust in the good/service provided, which improves reliability and this will ensure a timely supply of goods.

  • AVOIDS CONFUSION: The agreement clearly describes all the conditions which both the parties have to follow.

  • EVIDENCE: The agreement made is evidence to prove offerings by the parties.

Click here to know more about the "Master Service Agreement"


  1. Name and details of parties.

  2. A description of the goods and services offered.

  3. Time of supply.

  4. Quality and Quantity of goods.

  5. Procedures for reporting grievances.

  6. monitoring procedures.

  7. Redressal mechanisms and remedy available.

  8. Circumstances where agreement is inapplicable.

  9. Payment methods.

  10. Signature of parties.



4999 /-

    Package Includes:

    • Drafting Vendor Agreement by Experienced Lawyers
    •  30-minute Intro Call by Lawyer+ Start to Finish Help + Drafting a Vendor Agreement

(Professional Fees)


What is the purpose of VA?

The agreement is made to give clarity in conditions to be followed by the parties and ensure the quality of goods and services.

What are the information included in a VA?

The following information has to be included in a VA:

  1. Name and details of parties
  2. A description of the goods and services offered.
  3. Time of supply
  4. Quality and quantity of goods
  5. Procedures for reporting grievances
  6. monitoring procedures
  7. Redressal mechanisms and remedy available
  8. Circumstances where agreement is inapplicable
  9. Payment methods
  10. Signature of parties
Why is VA important ?

The agreement will govern the activities of the vendor and in case of deficiency in goods and services, the customer can use the agreement at the court or dispute redressal forum to prove the quality offered by the vendor.

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